Contacting CenturyLink Headquarters
CenturyLink is a telecommunications company that offers phone, Internet and television services to customers. Before accessing any retail information on the official website, you are asked to enter your zip code. This allows the company to tailor your experience to offers in your area. If services are not available in your area, you are told at this point, but you can still visit the corporate website and contact CenturyLink headquarters.
CenturyLink Headquarters Info
The CenturyLink headquarters is the hub of activity for smaller offices located throughout the United States. CenturyLink’s offices are located in Monroe, Louisiana, but services are not limited to the local area.
Address: The physical address for CenturyLink headquarters is the best address to send a letter or other physical communication. We also found a Post Office box address to contact the Board, the Chairman (Harvey P. Perry), the Lead Independent Director (W. Bruce Hanks), or any other Director of the company directly.
CenturyLink Inc 100 CenturyLink Dr. Monroe, LA 71203
CenturyLink, Inc
Board of Directors (or Chairman, Lead Independent Director, or individual Director, as appropriate)
Post Office Box 5061
Monroe, Louisiana 71211
Phone Number: We tried to find a dedicated phone number for CenturyLink headquarters, but we did find several phone numbers for consumer support. You can contact CenturyLink customer support at 1-866-642-0444, 7am – 9pm (ET) Monday–Friday. From there you may be able to connect with the corporate office. We did find a corporate number, which we tested, on an outside website. Call 1-318-388-9000 to reach CenturyLink headquarters.
Email: You can email CenturyLink headquarters through their direct email address[+], and for customers who have contacted Customer Service and require additional support you can email the Customer Advocacy team [+]. You can also send your email directly to the Board of Directors [+]. For questions about investor relations you can directly email CenturyLink Investor Relations team [+]. If you want an alternative to standard email try social media [+]. The Facebook and Twitter pages are geared toward company jobs, but they are both listed as corporate contacts.
Chat: Another quick and convenient way to contact CenturyLink is through live chat, you can find it on CenturyLink Chat Page [+].
Website: There is no CenturyLink headquarters official website, but there is an official website fort the company [+]. The website doubles as a retail website explaining the products and services offered by the company. If you want to access information on the company, visit the Company Information page [+].
CenturyLink Headquarters Executive Team
Corporate leaders make up the executive team at CenturyLink headquarters. The complete list of current executives is located on the official website [+]. Current seat and position holders include:
Leadership Team
Jeff Storey – President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Shaun Andrews – Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
Richard Batelaan – Executive Vice President, North America Operations
Neel Dev – Executive Vice President and CFO
Andrew Dugan – Chief Technology Officer
Stacey W. Goff – Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Fletcher Keister – Executive Vice President, Chief Transformation Officer
Lisa Miller – President, Wholesale, Indirect, and Small & Medium Enterprise
Edward Morche – President, Strategic Enterprise and Government Markets
Maxine L. Moreau – President, Consumer Markets
Laurinda Pang – President, International and Global Accounts Management
Scott A. Trezise – Executive Vice President, Human Resources
Board of Directors
Martha H. Bejar
Virginia Boulet
Peter C. Brown
General Kevin P. Chilton
Steven T. Clontz
T. Michael Glenn
W. Bruce Hanks
Hal S. Jones
Mary L. Landrieu
Harvey P. Perry
Glen F. Post, III
Michael J. Roberts
Laurie A. Siegel
Jeffrey K. Storey
CenturyLink Headquarters Brands
There are a few brands listed here and there on the CenturyLink website like @Ease and Pure Broadband. It does not appear that the company sells brands through other companies – just programs through the CenturyLink business.