Contacting Old Navy Headquarters
Old Navy is a clothing and accessories company owned and operated by Gap, Inc. The contact information for the corporate office directs all communication through Gap, Inc. rather than Old Navy. Other companies from Gap, Inc. include Banana Republic and Athleta. Each retail company has an official website, but all contact information for the corporate offices is the same.
Old Navy Headquarters Info
There is a contact mailing address and phone number for Gap, Inc. – the home of Old Navy headquarters. All corporate officers and contact information is for the Gap company rather than the Old Navy company. You can contact the corporate office by mail and phone, but the contact emails are for Gap, Inc. and Old Navy.
- Address: You can write to Old Navy headquarters using the contact mailing address for Gap, Inc. You can address the letter to Old Navy to ensure your communication reaches the correct department. You can also choose to add an attention line with the person you are trying to reach at the corporate office. Include your contact information, including your mailing address, phone number and email address, in your letter.
Old Navy Headquarters 2 Folsom St. San Francisco, CA 94105
Gap’s other Headquarters locations are:
55 Thomas St. New York, New York, 10013
675 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York, 10011
- Phone Number: Call the following numbers to reach Gap, Inc. headquarters, 1-650-952-4400, 1-800-333-7899, or 1-212-206-4200. Gap, Inc. is responsible for Old Navy daily business. You can also call. You can request to speak with someone at the corporate office regarding your issues with Old Navy.
- Email: We found contact emails for Gap, Inc. and Old Navy customer service. There are no contact forms or email addresses for the corporate offices. You can request your email be forwarded to the corporate office.
- Website: The Old Navy website is dedicated to retail sales and operations. The Gap, Inc. website offers contact information for the corporate office behind daily Old Navy business.
Old Navy Headquarters Executive Team
We found a leadership team and board of directors working at Gap, Inc. and Old Navy headquarters.
Leadership Team
Sonia Syngal – Chief Executive Officer, Gap Inc.
Katrina O’Connell – Chief Financial Officer, Gap Inc.
Mark Breitbard – Head of Gap Inc. Specialty Brands, Franchise and Asia Pacific
Nancy Green – Head of Old Navy (Interim)
Mary Beth Laughton – Head of Athleta and Hill City
Shawn Curran – Head of Operations, Gap Inc.
Julie Gruber – Head of Legal and Compliance, Gap Inc.
Sally Gilligan – Head of Information and Strategy, Gap Inc.
John Strain – Head of e-Commerce and Technology, Gap Inc.
Sheila Peters – Head of People & Culture, Gap Inc.
Board of Directors
Bob L. Martin
Sonia Syngal
Amy Bohutinsky
John Fisher
Robert J. Fisher
William S. Fisher
Tracy Gardner
Bella Goren
Amy Miles
Jorge P. Montoya
Chris O’Neill
Lexi Reese
Mayo A. Shattuck III
Elizabeth Smith
Doris F. Fisher
Old Navy Headquarters Brands
Old Navy is a brand. Gap, Inc. offers other brands, including Banana Republic, Athleta, Intermix, Hill City, and Janie and Jack.