Contacting Straight Talk Headquarters
Straight Talk is a wireless provider that offers no-contract cellular phone and mobile Internet services to Walmart customers. There is an official website for Straight Talk that sells phones, SIM cards and plans directly to the customer. Straight Talk headquarters is located at the TracFone headquarters as Straight Talk is a TracFone company.
Straight Talk Headquarters Info
Though there is no mention of Straight Talk on the TracFone website, the Straight Talk headquarters address is listed as TracFone. The company headquarters for both companies is located in Florida.
- Address: Customers can address communication directed to the Straight Talk headquarters to:
Straight Talk Headquarters c/o TracFone 9700 N.W. 112th Ave. Miami, FL 33178
- Phone Number: We were surprised to find a direct phone number for Straight Talk headquarters on the TracFone website [+]. Customers can call the company headquarters at 1-800-876-5753. For customer support you can contact Straight Talk at 1-877-878-7908 (hours: Monday-Sunday 8am-10:45pm EST) or 1-877-430-CELL (2355). Callers interested in working with the media team can call 1-305-715-6500.
- Fax Number: If you need to fax documents or information to Straight Talk headquarters, send the fax to 1-305-640-2070. TracFone uses the same fax number, so denote Straight Talk on the fax coversheet.
- Email: While there is no email address for Straight Talk headquarters there is an email address for TracFone headquarters [+]. There is also a direct email to media relations [+]. Straight Talk also has social media accounts [+] available for customers willing to use social media for corporate contact.
- Chat: To contact them using live chat, go to Support Center [+] and then click on Contact Us at the bottom of the page.
- Website: We did not find a corporate website for either TracFone or Straight Talk headquarters, but we did find contact information listed on both websites [+]. The contact information, on the TracFone website at least, includes corporate information.
Straight Talk Headquarters Executive Team
The executive team at Straight Talk headquarters is the same as the executive team at TracFone. The top executives are:
Eduardo Diaz Corona – President and Chief Executive Officer
Jay Smith – CIO, TracFone Wireless
Sergio Rivera – VP Product Engineering
Kelvin Cui – Vice President of Finance
John Salyers – SVP, Sales
Richard Salzman – Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Straight Talk Headquarters Brands
Straight Talk does not offer any brands because it is not the parent company. TracFone, the parent company responsible for Straight Talk, does partner with various mobile phone providers to offer customers up-to-date mobile phone equipment. As of 2013, Straight Talk offers phones from LG, iPhone, ZTE, Samsung, Huawei and Blackberry.
TracFone is responsible for Net10 Wireless, SafeLink Wireless, Telcel America and Simple Mobile. All mobile phone services operating under the America Movil umbrella offer different logos, different phones and different plan rates.