Contacting Truper Headquarters
Truper manufactures, distributes and markets tools and other products in the hardware industry. The company claims to be “the most recognized company in Latin America,” but they also work with big-name US companies.
Truper Headquarters Info
Though Truper is based in Mexico, there are several options to contact company headquarters, including mail, phone, email and social media.
Address: To write to Truper headquarters you can address your letter to:
Lago Alberto 442, Anáhuac I Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11320 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Phone Number: The phone number we were able to locate for Truper headquarters was the customer service number on the official website. The customer service phone number is local to Mexico, so customers in the United States may need to use the international contact. You can:
Call from Mexico: 800-018-78737
Call from outside Mexico: +52 (55) 5371 3500
Website: All the available information for the company can be found on the Truper official website.
Social Media:
Truper Brands and Products
The brands currently available from Truper include Fiero, Klintek, Hermex, Truper, Pretul, Volteck and Foset.
The company also manufactures stock for businesses like Ace Hardware, Walmart, Grainger, The Home Depot, Lowe’s Home Improvement and Menards.